Revised May 2022
CGU Registrar’s Office: or (909) 621-8285 (x18285 on-campus)
Information for Faculty can be found on the Grades and Grading page. Grades entered in Canvas do not
appear in PeopleSoft – you must post grades in PeopleSoft even if you have already entered the final grade in Canvas.
1. Log on to PeopleSoft & check the term shown
• If you don’t know how to log on, see the Faculty Center – Logging On document.
• If the term shown is not the one you want to see, click Change Term, select the correct term, and then click Continue.
2. Select the Grade Roster for your class
• Click on the Grade Roster Icon next to the class or click the Grade Roster link at the top. If your class does not have a grade roster or if not all students are listed on the roster contact the Registrar’s Office.
3. Enter Grades
• Enter each grade from the drop-down selection. If students have arranged a special grading type (i.e.,
Pass/Fail) they may have a different list of options than other students.
• Large classes may have a second page – you can select Last to go to the next page
• Students auditing the class require an entry (enter AU for a passing audit, F for a failing audit).
• W (Withdrawn) is not an option. This is an enrollment notation and is not assigned by instructors.
• Once you begin entering grades, a message will pop up on the top of the screen. If you leave the page you either need to save your data or Enable Tabs & Links to leave and lose your data.
If you have grades for all students on your roster (a complete grade roster):
• Select a grade from the drop down menu next to each student name
• Change the Approval Status from Not Reviewed to Approved and click Save
• Saved grades are automatically posted to student records; do not save grades that are “in-progress”
If you have grades for only some students on your roster (a partial grade roster):
• Select a grade for each student you want to enter a grade for
• Leave blank any grades you have not yet assigned
• Change the Approval Status to Ready for Review and click Save.
When you are ready to enter remaining grades and complete the partial roster:
• Change the Approval Status to Not Reviewed
• Enter additional student grades
• Change the Approval Status to Approved and click Save.
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