When students are extended an offer letter, it has their login username on page 3. This allows them to get into the student information system to review their financial aid offer to decide if they want to enroll or not. It looks like this:
-The link to the Newly Admitted Account Setup page goes here: https://my.cgu.edu/it/ehelp/security/newly-admitted-account-setup/
-The link to the Student Information System goes here: https://sis.cgu.edu/psp/sis/?cmd=login&languageCd=ENG&
If you look up a newly admitted student in Azure, you will see they are a member of the CGU_Applicant group.
This means they have not yet decided if they are going to attend CGU or not. So they have an account that gives them access to the student system, but they are not assigned a Microsoft office license until they decide to attend CGU and enroll in classes. Being provided a CGU email address as a username may confuse some users, but it only gives them access to the Student Information System. It does not mean they actually have access to email at this point. That is just a username to give them access to the Student Information system to review the financial aid offer. Everything they do at this point happens through the Student Information System, and they don’t have or need access to CGU email until they decide they are actually going to attend CGU. When their applicant status changes to student status, only then will they be given access to CGU email.
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