The Course Home Page helps students navigate courses and manage coursework.
View Course Home Page
The Course Home Page includes Course Navigation [1], the content area [2], and the sidebar [3].
View Course Navigation
The Course Home Page is viewed from the Course Navigation Home.
Course Navigation includes links to locations in the course, such as Zoom, the Syllabus and more. Instructors can customize what links are shown, so links may vary. You may also see course indicators that show updates to your course grades when your instructor grades your assignments.
Collapse Course Navigation Menu
To expand or collapse the Course Navigation Menu, click the Menu icon.
View Content Area
Home Page content is displayed in the content area. The content can be a page, the syllabus, discussions, announcements, quizzes, or imported content [1]. Your Home Page may also display recent announcements at the top of the page [2].The Home Page content defines what sections display in the sidebar.
View Breadcrumbs
View Sidebar
The sidebar functions the same as the Dashboard sidebar but only shows content for the specific course and includes additional options.If your Course Home Page displays a page other than the Course Activity Stream, you can view the course activity stream by clicking the sidebar View Course Stream button [1]. When the Home Page is set as the Course Activity Stream, this button will not appear.If you have been added to a group in your course, the Course Group section [2] includes links to your course groups.
View Sidebar Sections
The sidebar includes the To Do section [1], which shows all assignments with a due date in the next seven days. Each item in the To Do list displays the assignment name, the number of points, and the due date for the assignment. Assignments that are not graded or do not require an online submission only display until the due date. The sidebar can also include a variety of other sections [2], depending on the layout your instructor sets. Additional sidebar options include Coming Up or the Assignment list, Calendar and Assignment Groups, and Recent Feedback.
Manage Sidebar Items
Each section item displays an icon [1] to differentiate between assignments and peer review assignments. If a section contains more items than are listed, a link will appear under the list to view additional items [2]. If there are more than 100 items in the To Do section, you must remove items before you can view any new items. To remove a To Do item, click the remove icon [3]. Note: Assignments submitted through Canvas disappear automatically from the To Do list; no-submission assignments (submitted on paper/in class) can only be removed from the list manually.
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